written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Blog Article

We are like in fog … going somewhere, doing some things … and so on, but still not figgured out the whole picture. Meanwhile the unhappiness … dominates.  … written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru


The main problem in life is that we can’t clearly see what is going on.

Not with what is happening around us … but also deep inside ourselves.

… not really having any other options … we continue walking into life …. following the journey … still dominated by unclear feelings …. that mainly give us the sensations of fear … uncertainty… and unhappiness.

And even we if we refuse to say it … living like that for such a long, long time … we begin to be defined by … depression.

So … we could actually define this weird … ugly concept … called depression … as the presence of unhappiness into our souls … for too much time.

Or maybe i should say … an energy that dominates us too much.

And … life goes on …


We walk into the fog … not really figuring out the whole picture … realizing in fact that we have absolutely no idea of what is going on.

But … any moment spent like that …means staying into a world … that is not giving us anything good.

Clarity … it’s so damn … important.

And we start to meditating … more and more.

Till one day … when we have another weird feeling that … we’ve became philosophers ….

Which is certainly … not true.

All we want it’s just be … happy again … or at least see that path that will take us to happiness.


Download the book ”Depression ... the gateway to the real happiness” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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